Actress and stage director

Zina received a creation grant in partnership with the Atelier des Artistes en Exil.

 What is your artistic background ?
My dream of becoming an actress began at the age of five. I was born in 1974 in Damascus, Syria, and I studied at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art there from 1993 to 1997, where I acquired the foundations of my profession as an actress. After playing numerous roles in film, television and theatre, I fled the political repression in Syria and found refuge in Tunisia. There, I shared my expertise by teaching theatrical practice. In 2014, I took another step forward as a director with my play Corps à Corps, presented at El Teatro in Tunis.
In 2017, I moved to France to pursue my artistic career. While learning French, I took part in various artistic projects. I acted in and directed La Fenêtre, a play written by AbdulmajeedHaydar, presented at the 18/18 - Pièces à Emporter festival. I was also a member of the cast of Disparu-e-s by Judith Depaule, presented as part of the Visions d'Exil festival in 2019. I also played in the series Pas en Préfecture, broadcast on the 7 Rue du Rendez-Vous TV channel in partnership with the Direction Générale des Étrangers en France. Alongside my career as an actress and director, I broke new ground by becoming the first actress to give Arabic-language drama classes at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris. With 10 years' experience in theatre training, I continue to pass on my passion and expertise to many theatre-lovers, helping to promote the richness of theatrical culture. I have also been involved with a number of associations, including l'Atelier des Artistes en Exil and 7 Art et Plus, that help newly-arrived artists in France. In particular, I have worked on projects aimed at practising the French language through theatre, using my art as a tool for integration and social emancipation.

 How do you view your profession today ?
Today, I have a profoundly enriched view of my profession as an actress, director and theatre coach. Having travelled a path strewn with experiences and challenges, I see theatre as much more than just a passion. It is a powerful means of expression, connection and transformation. As an artist, I am aware of the impact that theatre can have on society. It is a way of giving a voice to the voiceless, stirring emotions, challenging norms and provoking thought. My commitment to this profession goes beyond the stage; it is a commitment to sharing, education and the promotion of cultural diversity. I am also aware of the challenges facing artists, particularly in terms of recognition, funding and working conditions. However, I remain optimistic about the power of theatre to overcome these obstacles and create a positive impact in our societies.
Today, I see my profession as a bridge between cultures, languages and human experiences. It is a privilege to be able to touch hearts and minds through art, and I am determined to continue to explore, create and inspire through my work.

 How do you see yourself in 5 years ? In 10 years ?
In 5 years' time, I see myself evolving further in my artistic career, exploring new roles, new forms of expression and perhaps even new theatrical territories. I would like to continue developing my skills as an actor and director, working on challenging and innovative projects that will allow me to push my creative boundaries. I also see myself continuing to share my passion for theatre by teaching and mentoring other artists, whether through courses, workshops or artistic collaborations. I also hope to be able to contribute more to social and cultural initiatives, using my art as a means of promoting intercultural dialogue and inclusion. In 10 years, I hope to have deepened my commitment to the arts and to have produced projects that will have left a lasting impression and contributed to enriching the cultural landscape. Perhaps I will even have run my own theatre company, or participated in international collaborations that will have broadened my artistic horizons. I would also like to continue my commitment to social action, using my experience and profile to support causes that are close to my heart, such as arts education, access to culture for all and migrants' rights. All in all, I still see myself as passionate about my profession, constantly seeking new challenges and new ways of expressing myself artistically, while remaining true to my values and to my vision of the world.


This interview was conducted in 2024​
Photography credit: Lys Arango 2024